Public Transport

By Subway or Train
Train(KTX, ITX, etc.)From Suwon Station (2nd floor), you can go to Suwon Station Transfer Center to see the Suwon Messe sign,
and use the elevator or escalator.
line No. 1(blue line)
or Suin line
Exit 2 or 3 / exit Suwon station transfer center.
By Bus
Sehwa-ro directioninner-city bus22-1, 22-2, 42, 51, 400-1
express city bus1004, 1004-1
inner-city bus46-1, 39, 13-4, 88, 83-1, 83-1, 92, 92-1, 9-1, 47, 9-2, 2-2, 11-1, 37, 36, 82-2, 13,
2, 2-1, 9, 15, 13-3, 15-1, 88-1, 60, 660, 720-2, 700-2, 730, 10, 10-5, 66-4, 66, 10-2, 777
express city bus707, 110, 909
express bus8401, 2007, 7770, 1007, 8409
airport bus4100
inter-city bus3000, 8450, 8471, 8472, 9801, 9802, 8426, 8448, 8805
shuttle bus27-2, 6-1, 6-3, 31